Monday, September 12, 2011

The Monsters and the Critics

J.R.R. Tolkiens essay, The Monsters and the Critics, Outlined two main arguments, first being that Beowulf has been over criticized as a piece of history when in fact it should be looked at as a piece of literature. The critics were trying to use Beowulf as a source of Anglo Saxon history, rather than looking at the poem like it is a work of art which is what should've been done. Tolkien also argued that the monsters in Beowulf are nothing more than monsters, but former critics disregarded the monsters because they didn't think it taught anything about history. But Tolkien responded to that by saying “It is just because the main foes in Beowulf are inhuman that the story is larger and more significant…. It glimpses the cosmic and moves with the thought of all men concerning the fate of human life and efforts; it stands amid but above the petty wars of princes”, which refers back to his main argument that this essay needs to be looked at as an art form not a piece of history. 

I personally thought this essay was brilliant, although hard to understand, it's detail and arguments really made realize the excellence of the epic poem, and opened me up to new ideas about the monsters, and Beowulf as an art form. Although I wasn't criticing it as a historical document, because truly i don't believe it is one. There may be some history in it, but I agree with Tolkien that it should be looked more at as a piece of literature. 

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