Sunday, September 18, 2011

Beowulf DJ # 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

32.) “Even a queen outstanding in beauty must not overstep like that.” Line 1940

Woman have no rights, they don't have a right to kill men for looking at them and they don't have a right to even gain respect. The fact that this queen is killing men for treating her like a piece of meat is considered overstepping her boundaries, shows how worthless woman truly were in this time. They were just there to make babies and keep "peace" between two countries which usually failed anyways. 

33.)"Haereth's daughter moved about with the mead-jug in her hand, taking care of the company, filling the cups that warriors held out." Line 1980

Just another example of the insignificance of woman. In my opinion woman in this time were pretty much slaves. They were nothing but property owned by men. They did what the men said, and if they didn't they were killed or punished brutally. Men just passed them around as "peace-treaties" to avoid ambushes. They had no say in who they married, what they did, or really who they were. Woman in this time were slaves. 

34.) "Your undertaking cast my spirits down, I dreaded the outcome of your expedition and pleaded with you long and hard to leave the killer be, let the South-Danes settle there own blood-feud with grendel." Line 1990 

Hygelac did not like the idea of Beowulf going to help the Danish. Losing Beowulf would be a huge tragedy to the Getes. Without him they will not be as strong in battle, any force can attack them and lose just because of Beowulf. He is the Greatest Warrior of there time, but it seems to me that Hygelac does not have as much faith in Beowulf has Hrothgar does. The Danish king knows that Beowulf is the only one who can kill Grendel which is why he asks for him to do it. Hygelac does not have as much faith, so he begs Beowulf not go because he is worried that he will not return, which would mean that The getes were doomed for ambush, Hygelac cares less about Beowulf and more about the fate of his country. 

35.) "But generally the spear is prompt to retaliate when a prince is killed, no matter how admirable the bride may be." Line 2030 

This is a foreshadow that Freawaru will be a failed peace-pledge, despite that fact that she is beyond Gorgeous. No beauty can lessen the hate between two countries. Especially when both the countries are known for there drinking, and when people drink they tend to say things that cause a fight which will lead to another war. Beowulf sees this happening which is why he doesn't think that Freawaru's peace pledge is a good idea at all. 

36.)"The deadly violence came down on Handscio and he fell as fait ordained, the first to perish, riggid out for the combat." 

Beowulf is making it seem like Handscio died in battle, when really he sacrificed that warrior just so he could see how Grendel moved. This in my opinion just shows how Beowulf thinks only about himself in battle and how he can gain fame for himself. He let one of his fellow warriors die, one who i am sure  always had his back, but he did not return the same respect. Although it was smart to watch grendels technique, a warrior lost his life just to help Beowulf gain fame. 

1 comment:

  1. #36 = Beowulf and pride (again)

    You have a few entries on women. Do you want to write a paper on women in Beowulf? This would be new. You might look for some "critical" essays on women and Beowulf.
