Sunday, September 18, 2011

Beowulf DJ # 37, 38, 39, 40, 41

37.)"Then suddenly the vehement mother avenged her son and wreaked destruction." Line 2120

Grendels mothers only reason for destruction was to avenge her son, although she is a monster this in a way represents the strength of Woman. The evil female monster cares for her child as any mother would, and she shows that when she goes on a rampage trying to retrieve her dead sons arm. She, like other woman, are not as destructive as the men in her life at this time but when disrespected she takes necessary action to earn back the respect. You could almost compare Grendels mother to Modhyrth because she will not let men disrespect her or her family and when they do they pay for it.

38.)"These, King Hygelac, i am happy present to you as gifts. It is still upon your grace that all favor depends." Line 2150

Beowulf gives his king all the treasures that he received from Hrothgar, because again his greatest treasure is his fame. And Beowulf is also very respectful to his lord. He maybe the greatest warrior of all time, but he understands that he does not have more power because he is more powerful, his manners are what help make him so successful. Which is another reason why he honoured those gifts to his king. He believed that he fights for his country, and his lord.

39.)"So ought a kinsmen act, instead of plotting and planning in secret to bring people to grief, or conspiring to arrange the death of comrades. The warrior king was uncle to Beowulf and honoured by his nephew: each was concerned for the others goods." Line 2170

The relationship between Uncle and nephew in this time was almost more important that then relationship between father and son. Just because Beowulf and Hygelac are not actually blood related does not mean they do not share the same bond that any other uncle and nephew would. Beowulf gives Hygelac a lot of respect and treats him like a real uncle, and they both honour each other graciously through out the poem.

40.) "Thus Beowulf bore himself with valour; he was formidable in battle yet behaved with honour and took no advantage; never cut down a comrade who was drunk, kept his temper and, a warrior that he was, watched and controlled his God-sent strength and his outstanding natural powers." Line 2180

Beowulf is arrogant, has to much pride, and sometimes takes on challenges that are just for show. But he is extremely respectful, well mannered, and civil. He takes all his anger on those who truly deserve it in battle, which signifies a true warrior. His Greatness not only shines in his strength but also in his attitude. Which is not only characteristics of a good warrior, but also a good king. He may not be as strong a king as he is a warrior, but he will still be a legendary one.

41.) "The battle-famed king, bulwark of his ealrs, ordered a gold-chased heirloom of Hrethel's to be brought in...This he laid on Beowulf's lap and then rewarded him with land as well." Line 2190

Beowulf has no direct line to Hrethel but he was raised by him, and as an adopted son he was honoured with land and Hrethels sword because he deserved it. This is a foreshadow to Beowulf continuing the "family" tradition and one day becoming King. This is also another example of the relationship between uncle and nephew.

1 comment:

  1. #37 - good connection between Modthryth and Grendel's mother. The are both monsters, not because what they do is wrong, but because the both act like men. Grendel's mother is just retriving the arm and getting her "wergild" on. This is not a woman's role. Modthryth is putting to death suitors who look at her with lust (an interpretation) but this is a not her place. Women who do not act their roles are monsters.

    Beowulf - is a symbol for the Northmen culture. You do have a lot of "pride" entries.
