Sunday, September 18, 2011

Beowulf DJ #11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

11.)"So now, Beowulf I adopt you in my heart as a dear son. Nourish and maintain this new connection, you noblest of men; there'll be nothing you'll want for, no worldly goods that won't be yours." Line 940

Hrothgar is trying to create a connection between the two countries. "Adopting Beowulf as his own son" establishes a relationship that will keep peace between the two countries. In certain aspects Beowulf is the peace treaty, Hrothgar has also probably learned that you can not cross Beowulf in his prime, if the Danes were to attack the Getes with Beowulf fighting, it would probably end badly for them. I feel that there is an underlying connection between Beowulf and Hrothgar because never before has Hrothgar put so much trust in a warrior and Beowulf is not even from the same country, plus the similarities between the two are pretty abundant and throughout the poem there are parallels set up between the two kings.

12.)"But death is not easily escaped from by anyone." Line 1000

This is a foreshadow to later things to come, it is clearly a line written by the monk, and i believe that is means that although many think Beowulf is invincible, even he cannot escape death. At the time when Beowulf kills Grendel he is at his prime age, he is undoubtedly the strongest warrior at this time, but the downfall to that is, he knows it. He is filled with so much pride, he does everything to gain fame for himself, which is his tragic flaw.

13.)"Saga of Finn and his sons, unfolding the tale of the fierce attack in Friesland where Hnaef, king of the Danes, met death."Line 1060

The Finn episode is telling a story about the death of Hildeburh's brother and the death of her son, it tells the story from a woman's point of view which is rare in this time because women were so outspoken. Hildeburh was a failed peace pledge, and her failure lead to the death of her brother and her son. It has also been said that the relationship between uncle and nephew is almost stronger then a relationship between a father and son and in this case, although they both die because of an ambush these two warriors are buried alongside one another despite the fact that they were fighting against each other.

14.)"Fate swept him away because of his proud need to provoke a feud with the Frisians."

This passage is referring to Hygelac the Geat, who attack the Frisians for no real reason and was killed, he made a terrible choice attack the Frisians but it was because he had to much pride, which is a foreshadow to what is to come for Beowulf, having a lot of fame and strength is somewhat a good thing but it tends to get overused, Hygelac was proud and certain that his country would beat the Frisians in an ambush, but he was wrong and he payed for it by dying in the unnecessary battle.

15.)"Men were drinking wine at that rare feast; how could they know fate, the grim shape of things to come, the threat looming over many thanes as night approached and King Hrothgar prepared to retire to his quarters?" Line 1240

The man are all cheery and happy (and completely wasted) because they think they are safe now. Beowulf has slain Grendel and they no longer have to worry about him lurking in the nightfall. But this is a foreshadow that it is not over. There is something that will soon attack them that is possibly much worse then Grendel. In the story of Cain there is not only one monster but multiple descendants of Cain who are not accepted by Christ or society, it is possible that there will be more ambushes by these descendants based on the jealousy of the acceptance of Christ.

16.)"Grendels bloodied hand. It was a fresh blow the afflicted bawn. The bargain was hard, both parties having to pay with the lives of friends." Line 1300

Grendels mother is attacking only out of revenge. Beowulf attacked her son, and then used his arm as a trophy, which upset the motherly monster. Even as a monster a mother still has the same connection to her child, and even though grendel was a flesh eating jealous monster she still grieved his death, and she still felt that he needed to have a more respectful burial. 

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