Monday, September 19, 2011

Beowulf DJ # 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58

51.)"Beowulf's ancient iron-grey sword let him down in the fight. It was never his fortune to be helped in combat by the cutting edge of weapons made of iron." Line 2680

Beowulf's weapons do not work in battle. No man made weapon that he has tried to use has worked for him, this could be a message from "the Almighty"  telling him to use his god given strength to kill the monsters, not the iron work of another man.

52.)"He lunged at the enemy lower down so that his decorated sword sank into its belly and the flames grew weaker." 2700

Beowulf did slay the Dragon, but Wyglef took a stab at the Dragons stomach which caused his fiery breath to die down which gave Beowulf the opportunity to finish it off. All this time Beowulf has refused help from other warriors, but without it in this battle he would have died and the Dragon would have most likely lived and went to destroy the Gete country, leaving Beowulf unsuccessful. It makes me wonder, if Beowulf would have trusted his fellow warriors the way that he trusts himself in battle, the could have quite possibly became as strong as he was. Making the Gete land quite invincible.

53.)"No king of any neighboring clan would dare face me with troops, none had the power to intimidate me."Line 2740

When Beowulf ruled the Getes he provided protection based on fear, nobody ambushed the Getes because they knew they would fail. His death is a foreshadow to the Destruction of his country and they ultimate wipe out of his people. Without Beowulf countries will attack the Getes as they please and most likely win because Beowulf never trained his army because he was so focused on his own fame.

54.) "God himself, mankind's keeper, True King of Triumphs, allowed some person pleasing to Him- and his eyes worthy -- to open the hoard." Line 3050

The treasure is only significant if it is given to someone pure, Beowulf needed to see the treasure before he died, and in the end the treasure was burned above his grave because he was in fact the most pure of the land. It was connected to Beowulf, because he was the lord of his people and without him the treasure meant nothing, especially since the Getes fate now was doomed.

55.) "Often when one man follows his own will many are hurt." Line 3080

Beowulfs decision to attack the Dragon alone hurt his entire country. It was not a smart decision because he was no longer the invincible warrior that he once thought he was. He was old, and if the dragon hadn't have taken him old age would have. Just like any other man Strength dies with age, and he could have given the opportunity to some other young strong warrior but he chose to go it alone, and he was successful in killing the dragon but failed in leading his people.

56.) "They said that of all the kings upon the earth he was the man most gracious and fair-minded, kindest to his people, and keenest to win fame." Line 3180

Beowulf was a great man, he respected his people the way that they respected him, and he never lost his temper with a friend, or someone who didn't deserve it. Which was one side of him, which made him a great warrior and a great King. But being great comes with a cost, his fame meant the world to him, he spent all his life trying to be the greatest warrior of all time, and he spent a lot of his time making unnecessary decisions just to prove to be even more great. He was a man of two personalities which in the end is what brought him to death, he chose his fame over his people.

1 comment:

  1. #56 is outstanding. Question - is there a theme with this set of entries? Warrior vs. King. Pride. Remember that the dragon poison kills Beowulf. Also remember that Wiglaf seems to be the "pure" one able to enter the tomb of treasure and not Beowulf. Wiglaf allows Beowulf to kill the dragon... do entry on whether Beowulf should have allowed help. At least one critic argues that Beowulf wants to "protector" his warriors at the end.

    I'm not sure about the "God wants him to use his strength".
