Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Traveling Through the Dark

1.) He has hit a pregnant deer on the road, and he is hesitant on whether or not he should kill the deer or just throw it with the rest of the road kill. He is a man, just like the rest of the society who have been taken over by technology, nature has now become much less important to everyone because technology has taken its place. He calls his hesitation is swerving because it signifies his hesitation, he hesitated before throwing it over the road and that hesitation could have caused another car to swerve off of the narrow road and person could be killed. This suggests that a persons life is much more important than the life of any animal.

2.) He uses imagery to describe the condition of the deer, and how the deer is dead. Saying that the body is cold and stiff but the stomach is warm. He also describes the car, and its lights, and the exhaust, and then quickly switches to the sound of nature in order to contrast the two different themes.

3.) In Stanza 2 lines 2 and 4, the double L is repeated between "killing" and Belly" representing consananc. In Stanza 1 the words "road" and dead" are repeated.

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