Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Road Not Taken

1.) By taking the road "less traveled by" the speaker is taking the harder route towards his destiny. Because he has chosen this path, things will not come easy to him, which is why it may seem that he has regret. He must create his own path as he goes, which shows his individuality, rather then him following the same path as everyone else which leads him to the same destiny. He sighs, because with creating your own destiny, comes overcoming hardships, and struggles that life throws at you. 

2.) The choice simply signifies, going through life the easy way, or going through life the hard way, which contain two different outcomes. By choosing the hard way the Speaker has chosen a life that will give him greater rewards, he will now will be a strong individual among society because he has created his own path which led him to a greater destiny. If he were to chose the easy way, he would have gone though life the way that the path was made for him causing him to be just the same as every man in a society. When choosing the road, most people would choose the easy, already formed road because they are afraid of facing the struggles that come with creating an entirely different path on your own. 

3.) A road not taken is simply about choosing the way that you go through life, most people choose the easy road, causing them to be equally important with everyone in society making their voice unheard. But then there are others who choose Road not Taken, those are the people who want to stand for something other than what society wants them to stand for. These are the people who fight long and hard to create the road (destiny) that they have longed for, which not only in the end helps themselves, but helps the people around them. People who choose the easy road should be considered lazy, because they are thinking about what is easier for them. People who chose the road not taken are the people who are not only fighting to create a great life for themselves but also to create a great life for everyone around them. 

Fielding this is definitely by far my favorite poem, I really enjoy the meaning of it, or at least what i think it means, and it has proved to be quite inspirational, i will try to no longer take the easy road, and instead choose the Road not Taken. =)

1 comment:

  1. This is a commonly studied poem because it can be seen as inspirational and the meaning is one that most students can understand. I'm glad you liked it. Also the surface meaning and sub-surface (or metaphorical) meaning are easier to pick up (than say Prufrock).
