Sunday, October 23, 2011

Love in Brooklyn

1.) The poem most likely takes place in Brooklyn, around the WWII era because their is a hint that the man fought in WWII. Also this was a time before computers because the woman typed on a typewriter. The two are affectionate towards each other. I would not say they are completely in love, they clearly work together and they have started an office romance, that i don't believe will last based on the dialogue of the poem.

2.) The first speaker has obvious lust towards the woman, she makes him crazy because she is so beautiful. He begs and pleads for her attention, and claims that he loves her but his intentions are not to love her. his reasons for loving her are all based on looks and attraction rather than personality.

3.) The woman is playing hard to get. She is aware of her good looks and she knows that until she gives him what he wants he will continue to compliment her, in a sense she is fishing for compliments in order to get attention. She finally gives in and claims that she is kidding, but as stated before their is no strong bond between the two lovers. They are young drunk coworkers who only find a certain pleasure with one another. Nothing that will last them a lifetime.

4.) The telephone signifies the bond of distant love, and how even the strongest love can break with distance. Love in Brooklyn, signifies the use of the word love as a way to get a different kind of relationship. In both poems one of the speakers is doing everything they can to get with this other speaker, although their intentions are different their strategy is the same. Love is a very complicated feeling, and the word has been used so frequently that is has lost its importance and its meaning. The second poem in no way represents the actual feeling of love, but the first poem does.

1 comment:

  1. Anna,

    1) What about the dialogue makes you think that the relationship won't last?
    2) Is it only lust? What is up with the tank simile?
    3) Is she playing hard to get? What makes you think so?'

    Note: Reread this for TONE. The man is very insecure. The girl has been hit on too many times by insincere men. There's a difference here. The tone chances after the stanza where he compares her to a tank.
