Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lit Term 1

Imagery: Visually descriptive or figurative language in a literary work. Imagery involves one of your five senses. The author uses a word or a phrase to stimulate your memory of those senses.

Example: "Down the ravine behind the empty house, The cowbells follow one another Into the distance of the afternoon." (Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota)

Function: This poem is made up entirely of Imagery. In this line Wright is invoking sound, by explaining the sound of the cowbells in the distance, to help describe that time is passing as the cows move on down the ravine. The sounds of the cowbells also lets the readers know that the farm is not completely abandoned, because there are still cows roaming around. Imagery, especially in this poem, allows the readers to understand what the subject is sensing, which helps describe the setting of the poem. What the subject hears, sees, and smells are all described in the poem, which help describes the overall theme that time is passing around him.

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