Wednesday, February 22, 2012

More Act 3 study questions

1) What does Claudius plan to do with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and Hamlet?

He plans on sending them to England, because now he actually has a reason to do it rather than Hamlets madness. The murder of Polonius was a perfect reason for Claudius to send Hamlet away. 

2) What is Polonius going to do while Hamlet speaks with his mother?

He was going to hide in the room and listen to their conversation, but Hamlet is one step ahead of him and thats why he kills him. 

3) List three important things about Claudius’ soliloquy.

a) He is feeling guilty about killing his brother, and this is the first time in the play that he actually admits that he does it. 
b) He wishes he could pray, but if he is enjoying the benefits he is reeking from murdering his brother, he is not willing to give up Gertrude, or the crown, or the attention. 
c) When Hamlet sees him he thinks that he is praying, but really he isn't and he possibly saves himself from getting killed because Hamlet chooses not to kill the king while he is praying because that may mean the kind will go to heaven. 

4) Why is it odd that Hamlet sees the king praying?

Well hamlet thinks the king is praying but really he is not, it is odd because Hamlet knows that the King is not willing to lose all that he has gained with his murdering ways. And usually when a lawful man prays it means they are trying to confess thier sins before dying so they will go to heaven. 

5) Why doesn’t Hamlet take this opportunity for revenge?

Because he believes that killing a man while praying will mean that the man he has killed will not go to hell for his sins, because he has confessed them and asked for forgiveness. Hamlet is not aware that the king isn't actually praying so he decides to not kill the king. 

Scene IV

1) Describe Polonius’ advice to Gertrude.

He tells her that she needs to repremand Hamlet for all the awful things he has been saying and doing. He is hoping that his mother will be able to get him line. 

2) What is the significance of the following quote: “How now, a rat? Dead! For a ducat, dead!

He knows that Polonius is spying because that all he does, Polonius is in fact a rat, and Hamlet doesn't like him at all. He knows that it is not the king he is killing, but he questions it anyway. 

3) What is odd about the following quote: A bloody dead; almost as bad, good mother, as kill a king and marry with his brother.

Hamlet finally tells his mother about what he knows happened to his father, he is saying that the murder of Polonius isn't as bad as what Claudius did, and it is odd because he is in a way hinting to his mother what he is planning, and why he has been acting so mad. 

4) Why might Gertrude say, “What have I done, that thou dar’st wag thy tongue in noise so rude against me.”

She doesn't understand why Hamlet is making such bold accusations about her and Claudius, he is supposed to be her son, and she doesn't know why he has so much hate and anger with her. She doesn't realize that her marrying Claudius affected Hamlet so much. 

5) What descriptions does Hamlet use to compare his father and his uncle?

King Hamlet; Compares him to a greek god, very warm and gentle, god created him for a special purpose. 

Claudius;  Mildewed ear of corn

The two men are nothing a like, Old King Hamlet was much better and had much more purpose and he was much more genuine. 
6) What point does Hamlet make by comparing the men?

He wants her to know how awful her decision to marry Claudius was, because he is no way like the late king. 

7) What is disturbing about the following: Nay, but to live in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed; stewed in corruption; honeying, and making love over the nasty sty.”

Hamlet is getting way to personal with his mother, and mother and son should never talk about their sex life that vivedly, and Hamlet is making her ashamed for sleeping with both men in the same bed. 

8) What stops Hamlet’s ranting and raving at Gertrude? What does this figure tell Hamlet?

Old King Hamlets ghost reappears and tells him to lay off his mother, he is only confusing her and frustrating her. Unfortunately Gertrude cannot see the ghost so she only sees Hamlets madness growing stronger.

10) Explain the differences between the ghost in Act I with the ghost in Act III. Why might these differences reflect Hamlet’s insanity?

The ghost in scene three seems to have more feelings. In the beginning he has one mission and that was to have Hamlet get revenge for his murder, but now he sees the madness that has overtaken his son and realizes that he needs to take charge and stop hamlet from making stupid decisions like killing the women he once loved. 

1 comment:

  1. Seeker says: If Polonius was reincarnated would he come back as Rori or General Lee.

