Friday, February 10, 2012

Act 2 Summary

1.) The first part of Act 2 involves Polonius and his children. Polonius asks Reynoldo to go to France and start rumors about his son so he can see if the things that Reynoldo is spreading is true. It is his way of spying on his son, so that he knows if he is doing anything that will hurt his political gain. Ophelia then shows up and tells her father about the abuse she is receiving from Hamlet. She is very distraught with his strange behavior, and it is beginning to frighten her. She then tells her father that she has done what he asked and has cut off all contact with Hamlet. Polonius believes that his strange behavior is based on Ophelias rejection towards him, and goes to tell Claudius and Gertrude what he has discovered about Hamlets madness.

2.) Claudius and Gertrude are very eager to find out why Hamlet has gone so insane, so Claudius decides to send for Hamlets friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and asks them to find out what is wrong with Hamlet. And they do it willingly because they are also looking for political gain. As soon as they leave Polonius enters with news of why Hamlet has gone insane. Before he tells them though the king gets word from Fortinbras uncle, that he has caught on to Fortinbras plan and will not allow it, he has granted him an allowance though and has allowed him to plan an attack on the Polish, and he may pass through Denmark. Polonius then tells them about Ophelia, and shows them the letters that Hamlet sent her. Although they were somewhat loving, they were completely insane. The king and queen leave and Hamlet enters and begins talking to Polonius. He starts to continuously bash on Polonius, and talking about his daughter, and asks if he is a "Fish Monger".

3.) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern begin their spying when they approach Hamlet. Hamlet soon catches on that they are to spy on Hamlet, since they continue to dodge the question on why they were there. Hamlet eventually forces his two old friends to confess why they are there. Rosencratntz then changes the subject and starts telling Hamlet about the group of actors they encountered while they were traveling. The actors and Polonius enter, and Hamlet gives throws a few more insults at Polonius. He then asks the Actor to recite a passage from the Aeneid. While doing his speech, the actor begins to cry which really moves Hamlet. He then asks the player to perform a play for the kingdom, "The Murder of Gonzaga" and tells the actor that their are a few speeches he would like to add himself. After everyone leaves Hamlet begins to think about the actors compassion in his speech, and wonders how that man can feel so sad when he didn't even know the real people. He begins to get angry with himself for trying to get revenge on his uncle rather then just grieve his fathers death. He regains composure and decides to see if this ghost is actually his father.

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