Monday, September 5, 2011

Beowulf DJ# 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

6.)Never, since my hand could hold a shield, have I entrusted or given control of the Danes' hall to anyone but you" Line 660

Hrothgar has never in his life allowed someone to defend the Great Hall against Grendel to protect the Danes, and the fact that he is allowing Beowulf, a Gete, whom he just met guard it shows Beowulf's significance. Although some may think he's quite cocky, he has the right to be because he has won many impossible battles. But the fact that he makes his battles so much harder for himself in order to gain credit if he wins shows that he may have to much pride, which is a foreshadow to something bad to happen to him when he goes after something that is to difficult.

7.)"The truth is clear: Almighty God rules over mankind and always has." line 700

This quote not only is a christian quote, it also means that everything that happens is decided by fate. Beowulf and Grendels fight, will ultimately be decided by fate so if Beowulf loses, he was fated to lose. It is up to the "Almighty one". No strength will overcome what he chooses for you. Which Beowulf has accepted, even though he strongly believes that he will come through with a win, because he has been so successful in the past and he is of ultimate strength.

8.)"God-cursed Grendel came greedily loping." line 710

When god Exiled Cain he placed a mark on Cain, the look of the mark is unknown but it most likely represents Cains curse, and it was passed on to Cains offspring, which means Grendel most likely has the same mark. Cains curse was that anyone who killed Cain would provoke the vengeance of god, Grendel obviously had the same curse, which is why Beowulf chopped of his arm so he would bleed to death. But  I think since Beowulf technically did kill Grendel by chopping off his arm, God will in the future will punish Beowulf because Grendel had the mark, and he wasn't supposed to be killed.

9.)"Then an extraordinary wail arose, and bewildering fear came over the Danes" line 780

Grendels name stands for a storm, or a scream, or a wale. The "extraordinary wail" is in fact Grendel yelling because he himself is like a whale, and the sounds he makes since he doesn't speak English are like the sounds that whales make, loud thundering sounds. Grendel, ultimately symbolizes a whale, just by the sounds that he makes.

10.)"With his death upon him, he had dived deep into his marsh-den, drowned out of his life and his heathen soul: hell claims him there." Line 850

Grendels death meant that he was free from exile, he no longer had to suffer with Cains curse. He no longer had to suffer from jealousy because the others who spoke a language he couldn't speak, were getting more attention from god. It maybe possible that Grendels death was a blessing, he no longer had to live with the curse that he was born with. And hell in this case awaited him deep in a lake, which relates to the "underworld" and how hell is underground which is a reference to the bible.

1 comment:

  1. Note: There's a difference between FATE or WYRD and God chosen outcomes. It's possible that the Christian poet inserted "God" in the moments WYRD came up, or in the moments of other gods appearing in the text.

    Wale, wail, whale -? Are you sure the poet meant to connect Grendel to a whale? Do you have proof.

    Grendel's underground home is symbolic of hell, but you need to reference HELL in the Bible and connect it. HELL is a new testament. This will take research.
