Sunday, September 18, 2011

Beowulf DJ #27, 28, 29, 30, 31

27.) “Geats won’t find a man worthier of acclaim as their kings and defender than you, if only you would undertake the lordship of your homeland.” Line 1850  

This is a foreshadow that Beowuld will someday become king. Even though that is not what he wants it most likely will happen because Hrothgar, and I'm sure many more think that he is the most worthy for the title. Beowulf is no doubt the greatest warrior of his time, so from fear alone he will be a good warrior, because nobody will want to mess with him. I think since the two are already so similar, Beowulf will rule very similarly to Hrothgar, even though Beowulf is much more of a warrior then a king, so he may not be as great of a king as Hrothgar. 

28.) “Geat nation and us neighboring Danes, into shared peace and a pact of friendship in spite of hatreds we have harboured in the past.” Line 1850

Although it is usually a woman, Beowulf has become somewhat of piece treaty between the Danes and the Getes. It is ironic because Beowulf has never had a woman, that is not something he cares about at all. So the fact that he has taken on a woman's job by becoming a peace-treaty is quite interesting. Even though in this time, or possibly ever, a woman would probably never have the strength of Beowulf, this could be a feminine characteristic of him. 

29.) “Then the earls’ defender furnished the hero with twelve treasures.” Line 1870

The number 12 has been a motif in this epic Poem. 12 in the bible represents the "perfect number" and it all centers around government and governmental perfection. Hrothgar, the great ruler of the Danes, Perhaps the "perfect ruler" awarded Beowulf with 12 treasures. Possibly signifying that Beowulf succeeded his mission perfectly. 

30.) “The guard who had watched the boat was given a sword with gold fittings and in future days that present would make him a respected man at his place on the mead-bench.” Line 1900

Like i have mentioned before the guard of the mead-hall is a Christian character in a pagan story, he stands out because it seems as if he has already accepted Christianity into his life. And the gift he was given that will "make him a respected man" is a foreshadow that in the future he will do something that will earn him fame. The sword he was given was obviously a great sword, that he will eventually use and it will create greatness for himself, and he will successfully guard the mead-hall. 

31.) “Great Queen Modthyrth perpetrated terrible wrongs. If any retainer ever made a bold to look her in the face, if an eye not her lord’s stared at her directly during daylight, the outcome was sealed:” Line 1940

Queen Modthyrth signifies the strength of woman, she is undoubtedly a bad ass, because she does not wanted to be looked at by men as a peace of meat. This is the only way she can earn respect, which was hard for woman to do in this time. Woman were just peace treaties, and wives. They had no actual significance, but Modthryth makes sure that she is not looked at that way. She is a strong woman in a time where woman had absolutely not significance what so ever. She is the symbol of the strength of woman. 

1 comment:

  1. #31 - good, continue to think about Modthyrth as compared with the other women in the poem. What happens when she gets married? What does this say?

    #28 - Beowulf actions act as a honor-code between the two nations. The Danes are honor-bound to the Geats. Also, there is a suggestion that Hrothgar tried to adopt Beowulf and Beowulf is kindly omitting that suggestion. Beowulf does not mention this pact to Hygelac.
